Client Story: MixUp cocktails

Client Story: MixUp Cocktails The Problem Kingsland Drinks wanted to boost awareness and sales of their premium canned cocktail brand Mix Up. But with fierce competition for supermarket listings and shelf-space, they needed to cut through the clutter of famous brands fast to make people pick up MixUp rather than one of their more established […]
8 Tips For Travel, Life and Work

Our Creative Account Manager Steffen returned from his annual leave, where he spent time travelling with a friend, visiting new places and exploring new cultures. What a trip it was! He’s come back with some great tips which you can use in pretty much all situations. Finally, a chance to get away from the dreaded […]
Client Story: Celtic FC

Client Story: Celtic FC The Problem: Celtic FC’s objective was full retention on season tickets for the 2022-23 season. Many fans have been faithful season ticket holders for generations. Our job was to inspire these supporters in a meaningful and authentic way. The MindField Thinking: The arrival of new manager Ange Postecoglou saw the club […]
Client Story: Northamptonshire County Council

Case Study: Northamptonshire County Council The Problem In March 2021, COVID-19 lockdown restrictions began to ease across the UK. Northamptonshire County Council were concerned the enthusiasm of kids and teenagers to meet up with friends could increase the risk of spreading the virus to more vulnerable groups. NCC wanted to communicate the importance of maintaining […]
Case Study: AICO

Case Study: Aico The problem Not all smoke alarms are made equal. By having one at home, you may think you’re doing enough. But doing just enough, is not enough when it comes to the safety of your family. As market leader, meeting highest standards, Aico wanted to shake the public from their slumber without […]
Turn off, Tune in, COP on

Picture the scene – you’re a 27-year-old from Wales, living in Glasgow. You’ve just bought a house but still spend as much of your salary as possible on daily orders to ASOS. That’s me – Hannah. I’m fairly new to market research and I pretty much live in my own little bubble so taking an interest […]
The Alexorcist

Somewhere between science and superstition, there is another world. A world of darkness. Nobody expected it. Nobody believed it. And nothing… could stop it.” I’ve been there. And it’s terrifying. Like an out of body experience, I couldn’t comprehend what was happening. My mind was consumed with darkness. Negative forces seemed to have possessed the […]
Taking the BS out of Behavioural Science

One thing we hate at Mind Field is jargon. We’ll often have a game of ‘Bullshit Bingo’ if we’re caught in a meeting with folk using jargon to try sound clever. It eases the pain. We’re not into big fancy words or baffling theory. We’re into doing work that deserves to exist. How do we […]