The Client Problem:

SPT Zonecard has been around for a long time but needs to be modernised and simplified. Many public transport users have abandoned or ignored it. SPT had to address this apathy and inform the public Zonecard was now smarter and simpler. They wanted to shift buying behaviour from awareness to point of purchase. Highlighting the ease of one smart ticket across multiple modes of transport in the region and build their customer base across the west of Scotland.

The MindField Thinking:

Its not enough to simply inform people that ZoneCard has been improved. People are creatures of habit – half of all human behaviour is habitual. We had to first get attention, and then inspire them to ‘reimagine their journey’. Let’s apply these behavioural science techniques to jolt lapsed customers and non-customers from their travel routines. Shifting transactional public transport users to become ZoneCard customers:

  1. Communicate before habits harden – target category entrants like Uni starters, young families etc.
  2. Distinctiveness – be visually bold and subvert your category norms
  3. Controlled environment – apply nudge theory at all touchpoints for ticket sales
  4. Target customers after they have undergone a life event – We are more open to change at moments of reflection like a new job, starting Uni, ending a relationship or moving to a new house.


The Answer: 

A better way to get to where you’re going. ‘Reimagine Your Journey’ with ZoneCard Now smarter and simpler. We encouraged people to join up their journey using multiple modes of transport around Strathclyde with ZoneCard. 7 zones. 4 modes. 1 card.

Our ‘reimagine’ concept was brought to life by striking illustrations and animation over live-action photos and video. We show a relatable travel frustration and then present ZoneCard as the solution to that problem.

Our Social, Digital, Radio, YouTube and OOH campaign dramatises how ZoneCard is the one card that does it all. Extensive and inclusive, now simpler and smarter.